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Corporate Donations Grants etc.

We raise funds by increasing corporate sponsorships through grants etc. This will assist us in helping the ever increasing numbers of children in need of warmth.

Employee Payroll Deduction through Employer giving programs

Payroll Deduction is a great way to support the cause of Coats for Children. Contact your employer for existing programs and promotions that allow for this type of giving to Coats 4 Children.

The Columbus Foundation

The Columbus Foundation represents the gold standard in the Philanthropic marketplace of Grater Central Ohio. We are proud to be affiliated with them through their Power Philanthropy program. You can give to Coats 4 Children through our Coats 4 Children Power Philanthropy Link on their website. 

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Beverly Robinson 

Executive Director

Powell, Ohio 43065

614-599-7325 Phone


"Children Behind Every Door deserve warmth"

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